Quick summary: We just launched a limited invite system inside of Groove. Every one of you has been gifted one invite to start. We're sharing more loudly and proudly now that Groove is invite-only—new Groovers can get in through a friend (like you!) or apply on our site for an invite from the team.

Why limit how many friends Groovers can invite when you’re looking to grow Groove?

It seems counterintuitive 😂 but in order to meaningfully grow Groove at this stage, we believe it’s really important for us to stand for a specific group of humans and ensure those are the folks who are being granted access to Groove. We’re all about celebrating creative humans who have built businesses they care about...AND, who believe in the power of community to make their lifestyle and business succeed! 🎉 An invite-only community helps new Groovers understand the quality of interaction that happens in Groove.

Our limited invite system shifts the mindset of how to invite friends from folks sharing their invite link everywhere to thinking, “Who is a person I would love to spend time with and think would get a lot of value out of this community?” One-on-one initiatives tend to be the best at getting friends to join. We still would LOVE for you to talk about Groove in spaces that you think would be helpful to get the word out (Slack groups, on social media, in communities you’re a part of, and at parties!), now include groove.ooo and tell these groups to mention your name when they apply!

What happens when I run out of invites?

Every week, we’ll give more invites out to Groovers whose friends match who we're building this for and have successfully started Grooving...which, let’s be totally honest, makes it important to you that your friend starts Grooving because you probably want to be granted more invites. You might even give your friend a heads up of when you’ll be Grooving that day so they get started in a Groove with you. That’s our dream! If you don’t have any invites left, tell your friend to apply at groove.ooo and mention your name.

How will my experience on Groove get better if I invite my friends?

It’s the easiest, low-lift way to stay in touch with creative friends and cheer them on regularly—especially friends you don’t see often and want to see more. Our dream is for you to have a dense network of friends in Groove—that you invite a friend who starts Grooving and another friend, and then your friend invites some friends, and quickly you know several people on Groove and are excited to see them and meet others.

  • Imagine starting your day in a Groove with 3 of your most creative, inspiring friends.
  • Imagine asking someone you're connected with on LinkedIn and would love to get to know better if they’d be up to Groove with you instead of a virtual coffee. That way you can keep bumping into each other and form a relationship over time!
  • Imagine Grooving with someone you really hit it off with inside an online workshop you did earlier this year.
  • Imagine introducing two friends inside a Groove who you totally think should know each other.

What else is helpful about this new invite system?

Glad you asked 😉 You’ll be able to see who brought who to Groove, which can help you meet friends of friends by adding your friends’ friends to your orbit. Simply visit someone's profile and see how many friends they've brought in.

When Groove is a paid community starting January 23rd, how will this invite system be a part of that?

You're thinking ahead! Us too 😜 When we launch the paid version, your friend will be gifted a free pass to try Groove for a set period of time (a perk for coming through you!). More details to come soon!

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