Groove reminds me of my favorite crew of study buddies in college.

Together, we had this unsaid expectation that when we gathered late at night in the library we were going to stay focused and have a great time.

Groove feels like the grown-up version of that…and even better, with Groove I can hang with friends from all over the world. As I’ve gotten older, friends have moved away and I’ve met cool people (online and IRL) that live in different cities. With Groove, I get to easily cheer all of them on, help them focus, and get to be a part of their lives while we conquer our to-dos.

I used to love that feeling I felt back in the library when one of my study buddies would say—”Hey, it’s so good to see you! How did that speech go last week you were practicing for?” and then ask what I was working on that night.

Someone cared. They remembered and listened to what I said last week, and they were here to check in on what I was excited to accomplish today.

Groove is the digital coworking space for all the folks who would love that feeling. Most of us don’t have teammates (at all or…physically nearby) and we all know that social accountability helps us get shit done and fill our social cup.

Like my library days, sometimes my friends aren’t around when I want to cowork on Groove, in those cases, it’s super easy to meet new friends. With the tap of a button, 1-3 Groovers will join me.

The community is full of people whose work doesn’t fit into a neat little box—we're freelancers, writers, coaches, creatives, artists, business owners, marketers, podcast hosts, non-profit leaders, & more. It’s a bunch of kind, generous, interesting people. Even if you work on completely different projects than the others you’re Grooving with, we all share a posture of showing up generously and with good vibes.

Groovers typically bring on a bunch of their friends right when they get started to start seeing familiar faces and grow this new kind of “team” in their lives.

I love when I Groove with a friend and one of their friends joins us, it’s a nice warm intro to someone new. My beautiful web of connections keeps on growing (all from the comfort of my own home!) with Groove.

Here are 3 tips I have for new Groovers looking to start building up their dream team of coworkers on Groove ⬇️

1) Invite friends to Groove with you

New experiences automatically feel easier to jump into with a pal! Bringing friends into Groove is like telling them about a really cool party.

Even if you’re working schedules aren’t the best for coworking together regularly, you can still support them by high-fiving them when they post a goal or win for the week in the app…a sweet way to say, “Hey, I see you over there making magic happen!”

To invite a friend into Groove, click “share” on the main page of the app. That way when they join you’ll be automatically connected inside.

Check out this video for more tips on bringing friends inside.

2) Finish 10 Grooves within your first week of Grooving

Every time you Groove, you have the chance to hang with 1-3 humans from around the world. Between Grooving with friends and meeting new folks, you’ll be well on your way to creating a coworking crew once you’ve Grooved 10 times!

Often times I start my work day in a Groove with some of my regular pals with my coffee in hand to get into a good workflow. Then, I break for lunch and later jump back into another to push through that afternoon slump.

Trust me, this is muuuch better than heading to a cold physical coworking space where no one talks to each other or a loud coffee shop without outlets.

As a new Groover recently pointed out, with Groove “coworking isn’t lonely”. It’s all about a structured, shared experience.

3) RSVP for a scheduled Groove with someone you’d love to meet

Discover cool people already Grooving under “Coming Up”. Tap their pictures to read their bios and if you wanna meet them, RSVP to join their scheduled Groove.

We’re pretty obsessed with how fun Groovers’ bios are. They’re real and wacky…sorta the opposite of LinkedIn. It’s not uncommon to learn about Groovers’ niche hobbies, pets, or go-to coffee order…in addition to the projects they’re working on.

Psst…once you’ve Grooved 2x, you can create your own scheduled Grooves by clicking the calendar in the top right corner. These can be a fun way to invite friends into Groove too—picking a time and telling your friend to RSVP to join you.

With these three tips, you’ll start building up your dream team of coworkers on Groove in no time.

Once you’re building relationships, accomplishing your goals, and celebrating wins, it’s hard to imagine what life was like before you had these new kind of “coworkers” in your life.

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